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Friday, December 15, 2006

Salem, Dallas Pet-sitting business makes house calls

"Professional Pet Sitting Services has opened in West Salem to serve the Salem, Dallas and Albany areas.

Kimberlee Gennarelli, who owns the business with her husband, Thomas, said that the in-home care service was conceived because they think pets do better when kept in their home environment while owners are away."

Reported in Statesmen Journal.

Read Entire aricle - Pet-sitting business makes house calls - Salem, Dallas and Albany areas

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Tips for caring for pets during Winter Holidays

The Marin Independent Herald has written an item on looking after pets during the winter holdidays. They also recommend employing pet sitters.

"No place like home

Remember your pets emotional well-being, too. Sometimes the best way to help your furry friends deal with the stress of the holidays is to provide them with a safe haven away from all the chaos. Try setting up a quiet room in the house with their favorite toys and blankets."

Read entire article Winter holidays can be a hotbed for pet hazards.. Marin Independent herald